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Recruitment of various post in STATE HEALTH SOCIETY, BIHAR


Applications  invited for the post of recruitment   of Community  Health  Officer  (on contractual   basis) at

Health  & Wellness  Centre  under  National  Health  Mission.

State Health  Society, Bihar  invites online  applications  from candidates  for the  post  of 'Community    Health Officer'  (on contractual   basis) under National  Health  Mission. This post is meant for to lead the primary care provider team consisting  of  female health  workers,  male health  workers,  ASHA's  etc at Health  & Wellness Centres  (H&WCs)  for  improved  implementation  of Public  health programmes  and to  enable  comprehensive primary health care service delivery, including disease prevention and health promotion.

Remuneration:    The  Community  Health  Officer  (CHO)  will  get remuneration   of  Rs.  25,0001- per  month Honorarium PLUS performance based incentive upto a sum ofRs. 15,0001-  per month based on indicators subject to the approval of National Health Mission, Government ofIndia ..

Eligibility criteria for applying this post are as follows:- 

(i)   The institute/ university from which the B.Sc. I Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing I GNM course has been completed SHOULD BE recognized by Indian Nursing Council/Health    Department of any State Government/UTI Bihar Nurses Registration Council (BNRC) I Any State Nursing  Council AND the candidate should be registered with Indian Nursing CouncilAany  State Nursing Council

(ii)  The Nursing registration  council/Institute  should specify that the  candidate  has successfully  completed the
B.Sc.lPost Basic B.Sc. Nursing curriculum with integrated course in community health.

(iii) Candidates should have permanent registration from Indian Nursing Council/Any State Nursing Co'uncil at the time of application.               ,       ,            "

(iv) final  Selected  ~~n,didates should  provide  Permanent  registration  from  Bihar  Nurses  Registration  Council
(BNRC), Patna within three months of joining as CHO.

Note: with  respect  to OR  Polley -  Chapter-2   "General   conditions  of Service"  and  Clause-S  "COO  already working  with NHM,-Bihar  should  not apply".
(UR -  Unreserved. MBC - Most Backward  Class, BC -  Backward Class. SC- Scheduled Caste, ST -  Scheduled Tribe, EWS -  Economically  Weaker Section, WBe -  Women of Backward Class, F- Female, M - Male)
* Category  wise vacancy   is as  per  current   reservation   policy of Government   of Bihar.  The  number   of vacancy  may change subject  to roster  approval  by competent  authority.

I.    Eligible candidates may submit their applications online only at State Health Society, Bihar Website in the  link  HR Cell  of  the  Society's  official  website  statehealthsocietybihar.org   as per  the  following schedule

a.   Application fee is Rs ..500/-. (Rupees Five Hundred) only for UR, BC, MBC & EWS candidates and for SC/ST'of  Bihaf. domicile  &  Female &  Divine Body candidates  of all categories  is Rs.  250/­ (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty) only.

b.   Fee will be accepted through online payment mode.

3.   Please;not.e .t,h.'a~t 01.0L2022 . shall 'be reference/cut-off date for computing age, qualification etc:
:            ,"     .'.
4.   Only.online applications shall be considered valid. Application received through any other sources shall not be considered.
'.     I      .
5.   Application form.with incomplete. details shall be rejected.
6.   The .shortlisted- citlldidate~ will have' to  produce permanent  registration  from Indian Nursing  Council/ Any State N,u.rsing . Council at the time of document verification.
7.   State Health Society, 'Bihar reserves right to change the positions or number of vacancies or cancel any or allthe  posItions inerliion~d in this' advertisement without assigning any reason.
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8.   Candidates shall successfully serve the District Health Society (DHS) thereafter  for a minimum period of  18 (Eighteen)  months  from the date of appointment,  failing  which  hel  she shall compensate  the District Hdthh  Society ;(DHS) arecoverable   amount equivalent  to  06 (Six)  months  of Honorarium equivalent to Rs. 1,50,00.0(Rupees One Lakh Fiifty Thousand Only) ..

9.   Bond of Rs. 1,50,000 on the stamp paper of Rs.1,000 (One thousand only) must be submitted by the candidate  before joining  as Community  Health  Officer  (CHO)  to serve  for minimum  18 months  at District Health Society; Bihar..
10.  Detailed Terms  of Reference  (ToR), Qualification/Emoluments  of above positions  is available  in the
Link - Hk Cell of the society's official website statehealthsocietybihar.org
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Disclaimers:  Final Shortlisting will be based on academic score obtained  in B.Sc. (Nursing)/ Post Basic B.Sc. (N ursing)/GNM .and' category' Wise vacancy  available.  Mere  eligibility  andlor shortlisting  for' the  selection process don't guara:t'lt~8'~nemployment under SHSB .
