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Recruitment of various post in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Kalyani

 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Kalyani

(A Statutory Body under the Aegis of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI)

NH-34 Connector, Basantapur, Saguna, Kalyani, District Nadia, West Bengal

Walk-in Interview

For engagement of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis  in various

Pre-Para-Clinical Departments of AIIMS, Kalyani, West  Bengal

All   India  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences  (AIIMS),  Kalyani  (WB)  has   been  established  as     an Institute of  National Importance is  one  of  the  new  upcoming AIIMS and  apex healthcare Institute being  established  by  the   Ministry  of  Health  &  Family  Welfare,  Government  of  India  under  the Pradhan  Mantri  Swasthya  Suraksha  Yojana  (PMSSY)  with  the   aim    of   correcting  regional imbalance  in   quality  tertiary  level  healthcare  in   the   country,  and   attaining  self-sufficiency  in graduate, postgraduate and  higher medical education and  training.

AIIMS,   Kalyani  will   conduct  Walk-In-Interview  for     the     post     of     Senior    Resident    (Non- academic)  on  tenure   basis   in  various  Pre-Para-Clinical  Departments  of  AIIMS,  Kalyani,    West Bengal on  28.03.2022 to  29.03.2022 in    the    Administrative   Building,   1st,    Floor,    Committee Room  of AIIMS, Kalyani, Pin  - 741245.

9.  The candidates are to satisfy  all eligibility criteria.  They must possess  the educational qualification and experiences as recognized by the Govt.  of India.  Their   candidature  will be cancelled at any   stage   if   it   is found   that  their  educational qualification or experiences is not recognized by the Govt.  of India.

10. The post of Senior  Resident  will be regulated  as per the provision of Central  Residency Scheme  and governed  by
CCS  (Temporary Service)  Rules.

11.  Qualifications and  Experiences: Qualifications and  experiences as prescribed may  be relaxed in exceptional cases  at the  discretion of the  Selection Committee with  prior  approval of the  Competent Authority.  The experience will be counted up to the  date  of publishing this  notification in Institute website.

12.  Mode  of Selection:- Based  on the reporting, the Interview will be  conducted  after  verifying   the application and requisite  documents of the  candidates. The  selection  of the  candidates will  be   based    on   the  performance  in  the  walk-in- interview only.

13. Selection Procedure:- i) The  candidate can  apply  for  more  than  one  post  out  of enlisted Departments.
ii) The merit list (selected  and waiting  list) for all  categories  i.e  UR/OBC/SC/ST  shall   be  prepared   on  the basis  of personal  interview.
iii) Any   vacancy  arises   because  of  non-joining  by  selected  candidates  in  this  selection  or  by  resignation  of candidates; post  will  be  offered to  the  candidates from  waiting list  according to  the  merit.  All  applicants must   provide phone  numbers and  e-mail  for faster  communication.
iv)  Qualification/Experience/Age/etc.  will  be  counted up  to  the  date  of  publishing  this  notification in  institute 
v) The  final  result  will  be displayed on the website  i.e.  www. aiimskalyani.edu.in. 

14. Site of Interview: Interviews will be held   at  the  Administrative  Building,  1st,  Floor,   Committee Room  of
AIIMS,  Kalyani,  Pin  - 741245.  No TA/DA/Accommodation will  be paid  for  appearing in the interview.

15. APPLICATION FEES: Rs.  1,000/- (Rupees One  Thousand Only).
1)   For   Unreserved/OBC  candidates  is  Rs.1000/-.  The   candidates  have   to  pay   the  prescribed  application  fee through Demand Draft  in favour  of “AIIMS Kalyani Internal Resources Account” payable at Kalyani.
2)  Application fee once  remitted shall  not be refunded under any circumstances.
3)  No  fee  for  SC/ST/PWD/Women  Candidates of  any  community.
4)   Applications without  the  prescribed fee will  not be considered and  summarily rejected.

16. The applicants already  in service  shall  have  to produce  No Objection Certificate from  their   present  employer at the time  of Interview.  However, they have to take prior  permission from their  employer  while applying  for the post.

17. AIIMS, Kalyani decision is final:
The decision  of the Competent Authority of AIIMS,  Kalyani  in all matters  relating  to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty  for false  information, mode  of selection, selection  and allotment of   posts   to selected  candidates will be final and binding   on  the  candidates  and  no  enquiry   /  correspondence  will  be entertained in this regard.

18. Any  corrigendum  or  revision   of  the  advertisement or  any  other  information  regarding this  recruitment will be posted  on the official  website  of AIIMS,  Kalyani  only  in  due  course.   Candidates  are  advised   to  visit  the website  regularly for updated  information in this regard.

19. Candidates who  may  join  within  one  month  from  the  date  of  issue  of  Offer  of  engagement may  apply  for the post  of Senior  Resident  (Non-Academic) of AIIMS  Kalyani.


(i) The All India  Institute of Medical Sciences is an autonomous body  established under  Act of Parliament.
(ii) Service under  the Institute is governed by that  Act and the Rules  & Regulations framed thereunder. 
(iii) All  the  posts   carry   usual   allowances  as  admissible  to  Central  Government  Employees  of  similar status at
Kalyani, West  Bengal.
(iv) Period:  Senior  Resident  - Tenure  post  on contract  for maximum period  of   3   years   as   per   Central  Residency
(v) The  applicants who  do  not  have  requisite  qualifications up to  the  date  of publishing this  notification in  Institute website,  will not be considered.
(vi) Incomplete application(s) will  be summarily rejected.
(vii)  The  period  of  experience wherever   prescribed shall  be  counted    after    obtaining   the    prescribed educational qualification.
(viii) The post(s) is/are  whole  time and private practice of any kind is prohibited.
(xi) The candidates are likely  to be posted  at rural  health  and urban  centre  attached with  the Institute for  the  period to be decided by the Institute as applicable.
(x)   AIIMS  reserves  the  rights  to increase  or decrease  the  number  of vacancies.
(xi)    While  every  effort  will  be made  to provide  residential accommodation to the  appointee at the Institute  subject  to availability but in view  of the paucity  of the residential accommodation in   the   campus   it   may   not   be possible  to  provide accommodation in every  case.  In the event  that  no accommodation is provided, necessary
H.R.A.  as  admissible  to  Central  Government  Servants  of  similar  status   stationed  at  Kalyani,  West   Bengal  will   be provided.
(xii)    Canvassing of any kind  will  be a disqualification.
(xiii)     The candidate should  not have  been  convicted by any Court  of Law.
(xiv)     In  case  any  information  given  or  declaration  by  the  candidate  is  found  to  be  false  or  if  the  candidate has willfully   suppressed any  material  information relevant  to  this  appointment, he/she  will  be  liable  to   be  removed   from  the service  and any action  taken  as deemed  fit by the Appointing Authority.
(xv)     The Competent Authority reserves  the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes  to this advertisement as
a whole  or in part without  assigning any reason  or giving  notice.
(xvi)     The decision  of the Competent Authority regarding interview, verification of documents and selection  would  be final  and  binding  on all candidates. No  representation/ correspondence will  be entertained in this  regard.
(xvii)     All  disputes  will  be subject  to jurisdiction of Court  of Law  at  Kalyani.

Clarification &  Enquiries:

Mail  to: recruitment@aiimskalyani.edu.in
Contact  No.:  +91-9477717030 (9:00  AM  to 5:00  PM  on  all  days  except  on  holidays  & 9:00  AM  to 1:00  PM  on

By  order of  the  Executive Director
Professor (Dr.) Kalyan Goswami
FIC  Academic
AIIMS, Kalyani 

High Court at Calcutta
Appellate Side
E M P L O Y M E N T   N O T I C E
 invited  from  the  Indian  citizens  possessing  knowledge  in  the
vernacular of the State, for preparation of a panel for filling up the 17 (Seventeen) vacancies (existing 14 & expected 03) in the post of P.A./Stenographer, Grade – C, in the Pay Matrix Level 09 (Rs. 28,900 – 74,500) with Minimum Pay of Rs. 32,500/- and other allowances as admissible under the Rules. The appointments will initially be
made on purely temporary basis but are likely to be made permanent.

Essential Qualification :-

1)  A  pass  in  the  Higher  Secondary  Examination  from  the  West  Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination from a recognized Council / Board / University / Institution;

2)  Speed  in  Shorthand  and  Type  writing  @ 120  w.p.m.  and  30  w.p.m. respectively.

3)  Knowledge in basic computer application.

For Persons with Disabilities :-

The benefits of reservation will be given to the candidates with disabilities
(Blindness/low vision) of at least 40% and above.

 The benefits of age relaxation for candidates with disabilities of at least
40% and above will be admissible to all such candidates as per relevant rules & regulations.

Any Person with Disabilities as stated, under respective reserved sub- category will be directed to furnish his/her self attested photocopy of Disability  Certificate  in  prescribed  form  in  support  of  his/her  claim, issued by a Competent Authority as per the provisions of the West Bengal Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, i.e. by a Medical Board constituted at any Government Medical College Hospital, District Hospitals or Sub- divisional Hospital.

Candidates having disability of less than 40% shall be treated as unreserved candidates and therefore shall not get benefit of reservation/age relaxation. 
Age –

Not less than 18 years and not more than 32 years as on 1st  day of January,
2022 (Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of S.C. and S.T. candidates of West Bengal only). In case of Persons with Disabilities, the upper age limit is relaxable upto 45 years

Age as recorded in the Madhyamik or equivalent certificate will be accepted only

Upper age limit for the employees of the High Court, other Courts and Government who will apply through proper channel shall be 40 years, on condition that the candidates had joined his/her initial appointment prior to attaining the age of 32 years in terms of provisions of the West Bengal Services (Raising of Age Limit) Rules, 1981, which has been duly accepted and adopted by the High Court at Calcutta by way of amendment of the Calcutta High Court Service Rules, 1960 vide Notification No. 1609(A-G) – 29th March, 2013.

N.B.:  The  SC/ST/OBC(A)/OBC(B)  candidates  of  other  States  shall  be treated as Unreserved category candidates.
The names of the eligible candidates belonging to Exempted category will be called from the respective authority /authorities.

Candidates belonging to Exempted Category may apply directly also.

Candidates already in service under Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings / High
Court  and  within  the  prescribed  age-limit,  must  submit  their  applications through Proper Channel.

Fees :

Each application must be accompanied by application fees of Rs. 800/- (Rs.
300/- for S.C./S.T. of West Bengal candidates only) only by Indian Postal Order, which must be purchased on a date after publication of this advertisement, and drawn in favour of the Registrar General, High Court, Calcutta, and payable at G.P.O. at Calcutta.

No fees need be given by the candidates belonging to Exempted categories whose names will be sponsored by the appropriate authorities.

This exemption of fees is not applicable to the candidates, belong to Exempted Category, applied directly without any sponsorship from the Labour Department, Government of West Bengal. 

Application Form :

Eligible candidates may submit neatly hand-written or typed applications on plain paper of legal size (8.5” x 14”), addressed to the Registrar General, High Court, Calcutta, giving particulars as under :-

1)   Full name of the candidate (in capital letters)

2)   Father’s/Husband’s Name

3)   Category

4)   Date of Birth

5)   Actual age as on 01.01.2022

6)   Address (Present and Permanent, along with PIN code)

7)   Telephone/Mobile number (Mandatory)

8)   E-mail id (Mandatory)

9)   Educational Qualification

10) Other Qualification

11) Knowledge in Computer

12) Speed in Shorthand and Typewriting

13) Whether  belongs  to  S.C./  S.T./  O.B.C  (A)/O.B.C.  (B)/  Persons  with
Disabilities (Blindness/low vision)

14) Whether belongs to Exempted category, if yes, mention the Identity Card
Number issued from the Labour Deptt. Govt. of West Bengal

15) Present employment status, if any (with date of initial joining supported by NOC)

16) Nationality

17) Details of depositing application fees i.e. Indian Postal Order No., Date and Amount.

Full signature of the candidate with date must be given at the bottom of the application.

N.B. :- Statements made under Item No. 4, 9, 13, 14 & 15 above must be supported by the self-attested photo-copies of proper documents/ certificates.

Incomplete applications/unsigned applications/applications submitted without proper application fees and requisite documents will be summarily rejected. The application fee is not refundable in any case nor can it be adjusted with any other selection process. 
Essential Supporting documents required :-

1.  Two recent and identical passport size (coloured) photographs duly signed by the candidate on the front portion of both (one to be pasted on the top right corner of the application and the other to be stitched/stapled with the application);

2.  One self-addressed envelope of the size of 25 cm x 11 cm with postal stamp of Rs. 45/- for further communication through registered/speed post.

3. Photocopy of self-attested documents in support of date of birth (Madhyamik or equivalent certificate/admit card), educational qualifications (Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate).

4.  Photocopy  of  Caste  Certificate,  in  case  of  candidates  desire  ‘caste-

5.  Photocopy  of  Certificate   of   Disability,   in  case  of  candidates  with
Blindness/low vision, from competent authority.

6.  Photocopy of valid Identity Card issued from the Labour Deptt. Govt. of West Bengal (Employment Exchange Card) in case of candidates, belong to Exempted Category.

7.   “No objection certificate having date of initial joining” from concerned
Employer in case of service-holders, and

8.  Indian Postal Order to be enclosed with the application.
Mode of Selection :-

Candidates, whose applications are found in order in all respects, shall be required to undergo a test in Shorthand at the speed of 120 words per minute for 05 (five) minutes. The text is to be transcribed in own handwriting within 45 minutes thereafter.


The candidates selected and shortlisted on the basis of the result of Phase-I test shall be required to undergo a further test in Shorthand at a speed of 120 w.p.m., to be followed by direct transcription of the text through the aid of a Computer at the speed of 30 w.p.m. The candidates will be given a further time of 10 minutes immediately after the completion of the dictation before they are asked to transcribe the text, for verification of the outlines.

A panel of selected candidates shall be prepared and the same shall stand lapsed on expiry of one year from the date of its notification or on filling up the notified vacancies, whichever is earlier.

In case of any dispute, the decision of The Hon’ble the Chief Justice/ The
Hon’ble Acting Chief Justice shall be final. 

Submission of Application:

Every application must be submitted in a closed envelope mentioning therein the category and the post applied on the bottom left corner, which shall have to reach the office of the undersigned within 4:30 p.m. of 12th  April,
2022 (Tuesday).

Any application reaching the office of the undersigned after such time shall not be considered, even though the same may have been posted well in advance.

For further announcements, all concerned are requested to follow the Court’s

Sd/- Registrar General
Dated, Calcutta, March 22, 2022.
