Recruitment of various post in HIGH COURT OF DELHI : NEW DELHI
HIGH COURT OF DELHI invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up 123 vacancies (55 Existing and 68 Anticipated) in Delhi Judicial Service by holding Delhi Judicial Service Examination in two successive stages:
(i) Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the Mains Examination (Written), and
(ii) Delhi Judicial Service Mains Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva-Voce.
The Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type) referred to above, will be held on Sunday, the 27th March, 2022 (11 AM to 1.30 PM).
The scale of the pay of members of Delhi Judicial Service is Rs. 56100-177500 in the 10th level of matrix of 7th CPC Revised Corresponding Pay Matrix and Pay Level
A candidate shall be eligible to appear at the examination, if he is: - a) a citizen of India;
b) a person practising as an Advocate in India or a person qualified to be admitted as an Advocate under the Advocates Act, 1961; and
c) not more than 32 years of age on the 1st day of January of the year in which the applications for appointment are invited, i.e., 01.01.2022.
In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Tribes, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years. The upper age limit is also relaxable maximum by 5 years in the case of Ex-Servicemen including Emergency Commissioned Officers and Short Service Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment.
The upper age limit for Persons with Disabilities (Identified Disabilities) shall be relaxable by 10 years. General category PwD (Identified Disabilities) candidates would, thus, be eligible for age relaxation up to 10 years and SC/ST category PwD (Identified Disabilities) candidates would, thus, be eligible for age relaxation up to 15 years.
The candidates shall submit their applications online only in the prescribed format through the official website of High Court of Delhi i.e. as per schedule of dates, given below:
Note 2: The categorywise bifurcation of anticipated vacancies may undergo a change as the same would depend upon the category of the officers of Delhi Judicial Service to be promoted and would be finalized only after the officers are actually.
Note 3: In view of Gazette notification dated 04.01.2021, the disabilities for which the post of Judicial Officer has been identified as suitable are as under:
i. Blindness, Low Vision;
ii. One Arm, One Leg, Both Leg, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack
iii. Specific Learning Disability;
iv. Multiple Disabilities involving aforesaid disabilities
Note 4: Number of vacancies is subject to change.
The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by this Court viz. Preliminary Examination (Objective type), Mains Examination (Written) and the Viva-Voce shall be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. The question of eligibility would be thoroughly examined at the subsequent stage. If on verification at any time before or after the Preliminary Examination (Objective type), Mains Examination (Written) and the Viva-Voce, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination shall stand cancelled without any notice or further reference.
Details regarding Preliminary Examination (Objective type), Mains Examination (Written), Viva-Voce, eligibility, relaxation in marks and other general terms and conditions applicable to the candidates are given in the Instructions available on the online portal, link for which would be available on the website of High Court of Delhi i.e. Candidates are advised to go through the Instructions as well as the Delhi Judicial Service Rules,
1970 (as amended up to 11.02.2022) before filling up the application form.