Applications on prescribed proforma are invited along with self attested copies of testimonials and two recent passport size photographs duly signed by candidate with complete bio-data up to 17th March, 2022 by 05.00 PM for filling up the following vacant posts of Clerks on ad-hoc basis. The qualification and other criteria to fill up these posts are as under:
8. Correspondence Address
9. Nationality
10. Experience, if any
11. Telephone/Mobile No.
12. Whether any FIR/Criminal Case is/was pending or registered or convictted in any criminal case
Dated: (Signature of applicant)
B:- From the candidates satisfying the requisite criteria, the
shortlist of candidates having more merit, shall be prepared and called for Computer Proficiency Test.
2. Venue and schedule of test/interview shall be notified on or after
25.03.2022 on the -website of this office i.e. .in/india/punjab /pathankot/recruit.
from time to time. No separate information/letter will be issued for the same, as such the candidates are requested to check the website of this office in routine for further information.
3. The incomplete applications and applications received after 05.00 PM either by post on due due date i.e. 17.03.2022 shall be rejected, without assigning any reason. This office shall not be responsible for any postal delay or wrong delivery, whatsoever.
4. Number of abovesaid posts may increase or decrease on both sides.
5. If no suitable candidate is available for the reserved category posts, then the _
reserved post will be filled up from amongst General Category candidates.
6. In case of cancellation/postponement of test/interview for the aforesaid posts, due to administrative reasons, this office shall not be responsible.
7. Merely satisfying the eligbility criteria do not entitle any candidate to be selected. This office reserve the right to alter/modify or change any of the terms and conditions including selection criteria etc. spelt out in the advertisement.
8. Candidate belonging to reserve category will have to attach a copy of certificate issued by the authorities concerned along with the application failing which his/her application shall be treated in General Category.
9. The application form should be addressed to the office of the District & Sessions
Judge, Pathankot. The "application form" is also available on the website of this office.
10. No T.ND.A will be given to the candidate appearing for the test/interview.
11. The candidates are requested to visit/check official website of this Sessions
Division time to time for updation in this regard.
12.The candidates are requested to adhere the instructions issued by the Govt. of India/Punjab Government from time to time regarding social distancing, wearing of safety equipments etc. in view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 at the time interview/test.
Copy forwarded to :-
District & Sessions Judge, Pathankot.
1.The Registrar General, Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh for information.
2.All the District & Sessions Judges in the State of Punjab, with the request to
obtain and send applications alongwith service record of retrenched/surplus
employees, if any, to this office on or before 17.03.2022 and to display the
notice on the Notice Board.
2.All the Judicial Officers in this Sessions Division for getting. the same
displayed on the Notice Boards of their respective Courts.
3.The District Employment Generation and Training Officer, Employment
Exchange, Pathankot for sending the lists of eligible candidates for the
abovesaid posts on or before 17.03.2022.
4.To The Manager, Daily Charhdikala, Patiala, to publish the above mentioned
Public Appointment Notice in the newspaper on 25.02.2022 and send the copy
of the Newspaper alongwith bill to this office at the earliest.
5.Daftri of this office with the direction to display this notice on the notice board
of this Court.
District & Sessions Judge,
Central Institute of Indian Languages
(Ministry of Education)
Department of Higher Education, Government of India, Manasagangothri, Hunsur road, MYSORE
The Centre of Excellence for studies in Classical Kannada (CESCK), a Government of India initiative, following awarding of the Classical Status to Kannada requires following positions on “CONTRACUAL BASIS”.
The CESCK will work on various Schemes and activities identified by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore which includes research, documentation, propagation and teaching of Classical Kannada. It will also coordinate such work undertaken by the individuals, institutions in the States/UTs of India and abroad and provide linkages to studies in other classical languages in the world.
Stipulations for Academic positions Senior Fellow / Associate Fellow:
1. Tenure of research work is for a period of 12 months (10+2) and may be extended at the sole discretion of the Institute.
2. DISCIPLINE / AREA OF RESEARCH: Linguistic, Literature, Epigraphy, Grammar, Translation, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Manuscriptology etc.
3. Application will be short listed on the basis of Synopsis for each topic of research.
4. Short listed candidates will be called for final interview.
5. Selected candidates should be ready to undertake research work IMMEDIATELY.
6. Candidate can also apply for more than one Topic and he/she has to submit Synopsis for each topic.
7. Application without Synopsis and other documents are liable for rejection.
8. Selected candidates are governed by rules and regulations of the Institute and are
required to execute the indemnity as per the Institute’s policy and guidelines.
Duties and Responsibilities of Fellows: Senior Fellow & Associate Fellow
1. Each fellow has to work on his allotted discipline/Area.
2. Senior fellow & Associate fellow have to work on the allotted discipline /area under the guidance of the expert committee and the project director.
3. Progress of the Senior Fellow & Associate Fellow will be scrutinized and assessed by the Expert/ Project Director and the honorarium will be paid on satisfactory progress on monthly basis.
4. Senior Fellow and Associate Fellow have to carry on their research work independently and the progress will be verified by the Project Director / Expert Committee on monthly / quarterly basis.
5. Monthly progress report has to be submitted by Senior Fellow and Associate Fellow to the
Project Director.
6. Monthly honorarium will be paid only after the acceptance of monthly progress report by the Project Director.
7. Quarterly report of the fellows will be reviewed by the Expert Committee.
8. Total project has to be completed within the assigned time of 10+2 months and final dissertation should be submitted at the end of 12th month.
01. Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Kannada (CESCK) a Government of India initiative requires positions to be filled on contractual basis.
02. The appointing authority of the Project staff of CESCK is the Director, CIIL who will also have the power of removal, if the incumbent's service is found unsatisfactory, or the incumbent is found to be involved in misconduct or misappropriation of funds.
03. Tenure of the Administrative staff will be initially for a period of one year and may be extended further based on the performance and review annually.
04. Interested and eligible candidates may submit their application along with the Synopsis and enclosure on the online application portal at
05. Last date for receipt of application is 21 days from the date of the publication of this notification in News papers (Leading dailies in Karnataka in Kannada and English)
06. Applications received after the due date will not be considered.
07. Institute reserves the right to accept or reject the application/s and decision of the Institute is final.
08. Institute reserves the right to increase / decrease number of posts / relax in the ELIGIBILITY CRIETERIA in case of exceptionally deserving candidates.
09. Incomplete application and those received after due date will not be entertained.
10. Those who are in service must forward their applications through their employer and may send an advance copy so as to reach the undersigned within the due date.
11. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
12. The application should be submitted on the online application portal available at
13. The decision of the Competent Authority will be final in any matter relating to the selection or otherwise of a candidate.
Venue & place of Interview for selection of all above positions: Will be intimated to the eligible and shortlisted candidates.
Detailed Notification for all the positions mentioned above for Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Kannada