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ONGC Ahmedabad Asset invites qualified & experienced retired ONGC personnel from Production and Electrical disciplines to appear for Junior Consultants and Associate Consultants for Surface Team and Engineering Services on contractual basis for a period of  One Year as per following details:



i) *The retired executive of E6 level can also apply for the post of Associate Consultant.  They will be considered with capping of remuneration to Associate Consultant (E4 to E5), only in case of non-availability of E4 – E5 level retired executives.

ii)   For Electrical discipline in Engineering Services, executive up to E3 level can apply for Junior


Age Criteria:           Less than 65 years of age at the time of engagement.

2.   How to Apply:

Eligible interested candidates are required to send the scanned copy of Application duly signed in the format given at Annexure-I of this advertisement to the email address: BHARGAVA_VIKAS@ONGC.CO.IN as non- editable file on or before 30/03/2022.

3.   For Further clarification may contact SHRI VIKAS BHARGAVA, GM, (P),  9428330335.

4.   Date,  Venue  and  reporting time  for  written  test  and  interview  will  be  intimated  to  shortlisted candidates in due course through e-mails.

5.   Monthly Remuneration / Emoluments:

Associate Consultant (E4 & E5 Level):       ₹   66000.00   (inclusive   of   all)   +   ₹   2000.00   (maximum)

communication facilities against submission of invoice.

Junior Consultant (Up to E3 Level):            ₹   40000.00   (inclusive   of   all)   +   ₹   2000.00   (maximum)

communication facilities against submission of invoice.

6.   Terms & Conditions of the Engagement:

i) He / She will not be eligible for any other Benefits/Allowance/ Facilities/Incentives etc. as admissible to regular/tenure employee of the Corporation.

ii) Engaged personnel shall be required to work at any Installation/ Work Centre   in General / Round the Clock shift duty, as per requirement. However, in case of exigency, he/she shall work for extended hours/holidays to complete the work without any additional payment. Duty pattern may also change at the discretion of the ONGC management.

iii) He / She shall be eligible for one day paid leave for every completed month of duty.  The leave shall  be  calculated  on  pro-rata  basis  and  would  lapse  upon  completion  of  tenure.  No encashment of leave shall be allowed.

iv)  ONGC shall have the right to cancel the engagement at any time without assigning any reason thereof. However, in the normal course, engagement may be terminated from either side, without assigning any reason, by giving one month’s notice.

v) The engaged personnel will not have any financial power.

vi) The engaged personnel will have to make his/ her own arrangements of stay in Ahmedabad. vii)    MHA guidelines in respect of Covid-19 in vogue at the time of engagement and during thetenure will be applicable.

viii)    He / She will have no right to claim for regular employment in ONGC later, by virtue of this contractual engagement.

ix) The  selected  candidate  will  have  to  sign  an  agreement/contract  with  ONGC  for  the prospective period.

x) Terms and conditions of this engagement shall be subject to change(s) from time to time based on Company’s latest policy. In case of any conflict, guidelines published by the company through different circulars / office orders or through its official portal shall be considered as binding.

xi)  80%  of  the monthly honorarium along with the reimbursement towards conveyance and expenses towards office at residence would be paid on monthly basis. The remaining amount of 20% of the monthly honorarium shall be paid after assessment of the performance at the end of the engagement period and on completion of assigned tasks.

xii) The reimbursement of Mobile Bill up to maximum ₹ 2000.00 per month shall be made upon submission of bill/invoice.

xiii)    In case of absenteeism, deduction @ (Monthly Honorarium payable / Days of respective month) per day for the entire period of absence shall be applicable from the monthly payment due to him.

7.   Role & Responsibility:


The Associate Consultant / Junior Consultant shall be responsible for complete supervision of activities associated with Surface installations in General / Round the Clock shift duty pattern such as:

i)    Adequate inspection of the installation & work centre and the equipment thereof.

ii)   A thorough supervision of all operations at the installation/ work centre.

iii)  Installation, running and maintenance, in safe working order, of all machinery in the mine.

iv)  To help in complying the requirements of Oil Mines Regulations, Compliance of Standard

Operating Procedures (SOPs), Statutory guidelines and Mines Act. v)   Regular update of QHSE documentation.

vi)  Smooth execution of surface operations in co-ordination with Installation Manager and other departments.

vii) Any other responsibilities required as per DGMS and other statuary authorities.

viii) Maintaining daily activity report and submit the same to Installation Manager.


The Junior Consultant shall be responsible for following activities associated with Engineering Services:

i) For liaising with local authorities for smooth drilling / workover rig movement of Ahmedabad Asset.

ii) Smooth execution of ONGC operations in co-ordination with other departments. iii)  Any other responsibilities required as per ONGC authorities.

National Health Mission (Haryana)
Bays No. 55-58, Sector-2, Panchkula

The State Health Society (Haryana) invites applications for 787   posts (771 New + 16 Backlog)* of Mid-Level Health Providers-cum-Community Health Officers (MLHPs-cum-CHOs) on contract basis under National Health Mission (NHM) for providing Comprehensive Primary Health Care Services at “Sub Center level Health & Wellness Centers” (SC-HWC) being upgraded under Ayushman Bharat in 18 Districts, as per detail given below.
2.   Essential Academic Qualifications:
2.1 BAMS or B.Sc. Nursing / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Holders, who have completed their Six Months Mid-
Level Health Provider’s Bridge Course Programme on Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (BPCCHN) from
IGNOU or any University/Institution assigned by the State*.
2.2 B.Sc. Nursing / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Graduates, who have completed their Degree with Mid-Level Health Providers’ (MLHPs) Course integrated in B.Sc. Nursing/Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing curriculum; in compliance with the Circular/Notifications (2019) issued by Indian National Nursing Council (New Delhi)**.
2.3 BAMS or B.Sc. Nursing / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Holders***. 
Important Note regarding Essential Academic Qualifications as given at Sr. No. 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3:
(i) *&**The candidates with academic qualifications as per Sr. No. 2.1 & 2.2 are required to provide Valid Certificates in prescribed formats only to ensure their eligibility for Six Months BPCCHN from IGNOU or any State University / Institution, or MLHPs Course integrated in the Curriculum of BSc Nursing / Post-Basic BSc Nursing curriculum in reference of the Circular / Notifications issued by the Indian National Nursing Council, New Delhi in 2019 in compliance with the directions of the MoHFW / GoI.
(ii)   *&**The candidates with academic qualifications as per Sr. No. 2.1 & 2.2 shall be given preference in selection, for which additional 05 marks will be given to them, and they shall be given direct appointment as Mid-Level Health Providers-cum-Community Health Officers (MLHPs-cum-CHOs) in order of overall merit (i.e. Marks obtained in OMR Based Exam + Additional 05 Marks for particular Course).
(iii)  *&**Original Certificates for academic qualifications as per Sr. No. 2.1 and 2.2 are required to be produced before the Scrutiny Committee at the time of Documents’ Verification and in case, the Certificate is not found ‘Valid’, her/his candidature will be considered for 06 Month Mid-Level Health Provider’s Bridge Course Programme on Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (BPCCHN) from IGNOU in order of Marks obtained in the OMR Based Exam only, and in view of the availability of seats in particular District for which the candidate has applied.
(iv)  ***The candidates with academic qualifications as per Sr. No. 2.3, will be considered for 06 Month Mid-Level Health Provider’s Bridge Course Programme on Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (BPCCHN) from IGNOU in order of Marks obtained in the OMR Based Exam only, and in view of the availability of seats in particular District for which the candidate has applied.

3.   Other Essential Qualifications:
a.   Age Limit 18 to 42 years and age relaxation shall be considered for reserved category candidates as per Rules of
Haryana Government.
b.   Hindi/Sanskrit language upto Matriculation level.
c. All selected candidates shall require to be registered with respective Council of Indian Medicines Haryana / Haryana State Nurses & Nurse Midwives Council (Panchkula), or Central Council of Indian Medicines / Indian Nursing Council (New Delhi) within two month after joining as MLHP-cum-CHO.

4.   Monthly Remuneration and Other Financial Benefits:
The advertised posts comes under pay band of PB-2-9300-34800-4800-18750 as per Service Byelaws prescribed for
employees of NHM Haryana. However, following emoluments will be given against the current advertisement:
•      For initial 05 years, monthly honorarium of Rs. 25,000/- (i.e. Rs. 18750/- as per Pay Band-2 + Rs. 6250/- additional honorarium) and after completion of 05 years’ satisfactory service, salary & all increment / allowances will be given as per pay band only i.e. PB-2-9300-34800-4800-18750.
•      Benefit of Annual Increment of 5% on initial salary after completion of 01 year satisfactory service.
•      Benefit of Dearness Allowance will be given after completion of 05 years satisfactory service.
•      Benefit of House Rent Allowance will be given after completion of 10 years satisfactory service.
•      Apart from above, monthly performance based incentive upto Rs. 15000/- will be given after working against performance indicators as a MLHP-cum-CHO at SC-HWC for initial 05 years, but  once the salary & all increment/allowances are fixed as per Service Bye Laws under PB-2-9300-34800-4800-18750, than the monthly performance based incentive will be withdrawn.

6.   Other Important Information and Necessary Formalities for Candidates:
(i)   Last date for receiving Online Applications alongwith online fee is 06/04/2022 by 5:00pm.        
(ii)  Candidate can apply only for one District, as District-wise merit list will be prepared for the selection.
(iii)     The post is non-transferable & non-deputationable, and selected candidates shall be posted at Sub Centre level
Health & Wellness Centre in the District, for which she/he to be selected.
(iv)     OMR Based Exam of two hour duration will be conducted, which will be tentatively based on the below given syllabus and Programmatic Information:

(v)       Candidates applying for advertised posts should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for respective posts as per advertisement / corrigendum (if any). Their candidature at all the stages of the recruitment process will  be  purely  provisional  subject  to  satisfying  the  prescribed  eligibility  conditions.  Mere  submission  of application form and depositing of required fee will not imply that candidate is eligible for the advertised posts.
(vi)     If any ineligible candidate apply, then her/his Application Form shall be rejected without any information.
Although necessary steps will be taken not to consider the applications of ineligible candidate for the advertised posts. Still if, any ineligible candidates apply or appeared in the OMR Based Exam, she/he shall not be considered eligible for further selection and her/his candidature shall be rejected at any level.
(vii)    District-wise provisional selection will be done on the basis of scoring of marks in the OMR Based Exam and additional marks to be given to the candidates, who have already completed the BPCCHN Course, or MLHPs Course integrated in the curriculum of BSc Nursing / Post-Basic BSc Nursing.
(viii)   Candidates, who have completed their BAMS or BSc Nursing / Post-Basic BSc Nursing Degree before 2019 are state-way not eligible for additional 05 marks to be given on account of Essential Qualifications, as respective Course (i.e. BPCCHN / IGNOU or University / Institution assigned by the State, and MLHPs Course integrated in the BSc Nursing & Post-Basic BSc Nursing Curriculum) were not in existence before 2019.
(ix)     Candidates for claiming additional marks on account of essential academic qualifications, are required to attach the copy of the “BPCCHN Certificate issued by IGNOU or University/Institution assigned by the State”, or “MLHPs Course integrated in the B.Sc. Nursing & Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Curriculum issued by their Institute, in reference of the Circular / Notifications issued by the Indian National Nursing Council, New Delhi in 2019 in compliance with the directions of the MoHFW / GoI.
(x)      Final Selection will be subject to the Document Verification and District-wise & Category-wise merit finalized on the basis of marks obtained in OMR Based Exam + 05 Additional Marks to be given to the candidates, who have already completed the BPCCHN, or MLHPs course integrated in the curriculum of BSc Nursing/Post-Basic BSc Nursing; for which original certificates shall require to be produced to ensure their eligibility in terms of academic qualifications, BPCCHN/MLHPs course, age, reservation benefit (if any), Haryana Domicile etc..
(xi)     No other Certificate will be considered for considering additional 05 marks for referred Courses and Original Certificate(s) for claiming benefits of reservation and additional marks on account of essential academic qualifications are required to be produced at the time of document verification. The Certificate(s) other than the prescribed format(s) shall not be considered for claiming any benefits of reservation and academic qualifications.
(xii)    Reservation benefit in different categories will be considered for bonafide resident of Haryana having valid Haryana Domicile Certificates. Further, in case of candidates claiming reservation benefit for Ex-servicemen (Self/Dependent), Outstanding Sports Person, Other Backward Classes (A & B Category) and Economically Weaker Sections (General Category), they are required to upload Valid Eligibility Certificate(s) issued by the concerned Competent Authority.
(xiii)   Candidates for claiming the reservation benefit(s) under particular category, are required to attach the copy of Certificate(s) of Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Backward Class-A (BC-A)/ Backward Class-B (BC-B)/ Economically Weaker Sections (EWS: Certificate of Annual Income of Rs. 8.00 lakh alongwith other conditions)/ Outstanding Sport Person (OSP: Gradation/ Merit Certificate issued by State Directorate Only)/ Ex-Servicemen (ESM: Eligibility Certificate in case of Dependent & Discharge Book/NoC in case of Self), issued by the competent authorities only.
(xiv)   If the quota reserved for Ex-servicemen remains unfilled due to non-availability of suitable Ex-servicemen or their dependents, than chance will be given to the Freedom Fighters’ Children/Grand Children upto the extent of available reserved seat(s) under ESM category.
(xv)    Each Candidate shall submit a Self-Undertaking at the time of document verification regarding their eligibility in case, if she/he is claiming the reservation benefit under any particular category. 
(xvi)   If there is any requirement of Assessor in case of Physically/Visually Challenged candidate, than permission of Competent Authority (i.e. Mission Director, NHM Haryana) is essential to be taken atleast 2 days in advance of the OMR Based Exam. The Disability Certificate issued by the Medical Board O/o the concerned Civil Surgeon alongwith all the relevant documents are required to be produced before the competent authority for availing the facility of Assessor.
(xvii)  All Candidates are required to bring printed copy of the online issued Admit Card / Roll No. and Identity Proof for appearing in the OMR Based Exam.
(xviii) Selected Candidates are also required to appear for the Counselling  and Document Verification; for which Candidates are required to bring self-attested five sets of all Certificates, 5 passport size photos, Blank Surety Bond of Rs. 100/- for agreement of 3 years job, Blank Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- for Contract with NHM Haryana.
(xix)   Sample copy of Surety Bond may be seen at NHM Website for advance information of Candidates to understand
Terms & Conditions, which will be printed by NHM SHQ team at time of Counselling.
(xx)    If  any candidate fails  to attend the  Counselling Session  as  per fixed  schedule,  her/his candidature  will  be considered cancelled for the said post and no further opportunity will be given to such candidates.
(xxi)   The selected Candidates are required to serve NHM Haryana for atleast 3 years continuously in the same District for which she/he has to be applied / selected and, in case any candidate leave the service before three years, she/he shall be liable to financial penalty as per the Surety Bond available at NHM Website. For this purpose, a Service Bond for three years has to be signed by each candidates with NHM SHQ.
(xxii)  In case of equal marks obtained in the Written Exam by two or more Candidates in a particular Category, then merit will be considered on the basis of her / his seniority in age. In case of further equal status, final merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained by them in their qualifying degree.
(xxiii) The MLHP-cum-CHOs already working under NHM Haryana are abide for three years’ Service Bond as per existing norms. Hence, they are suggested not to apply for the current advertisement; if any of them apply, then she/he shall be responsible for administrative action, as per the conditions of the Surety Bond signed by them with NHM Haryana at the time of their selection.
(xxiv) The  existing  MLHPs-cum-CHOs  already  working  with  NHM  Haryana,  who  will  apply  against  the  current advertisement, are required to declare their status in the Application Forms for information of the NHM SHQ. In case, any existing MLHP-cum-CHO, who hide the fact(s) regarding her/his working with NHM Haryana as MLHP-cum-CHO, her/his candidature will be rejected at any level.
(xxv)  For  any  technical  issues  only  related  to  submission  of  online  application  or  fee,  candidates  may  mail to choexam2022@gmail.com. This email will remain active only upto the last date of the application.

7.   Other Important Instructions:
Please read the instructions & procedures carefully before filling the Online Application Form & Requisite Fee. (i) Candidates are advised to ensure the eligibility criteria that they fulfill all qualification for the said post.
(ii)      Job  Profile  and  Term  of  Reference  etc.  are  given  in  the  Concept  Note  and  Operational  Guidelines  for
Comprehensive Primary Health Care, available at NHM website link i.e.  www.nhmharyana.gov.in
(iii)     After successful submission of online application form alongwith requisite fee, Candidates should take out print of online filled Application Form.
(iv)     Application and fee by post or by hand shall not be accepted and only online application & fee will be considered. (v)      No TA/DA will be paid for appearing/attending OMR Based Exam/Counselling/Document Verification, etc.
(vi)     If it is found that any Candidate has furnished false information/document(s) at any stage of the selection process, her/his appointment/ recruitment will be cancelled/ terminated immediately.
(vii)    Reservations and age relaxation will be given as per Haryana Govt. policy and NHM Rules only.
(viii)   List of short listed candidates for written examination will be displayed on the official website of NHM Haryana. (ix)     Candidates will be intimated, through provided email and SMS for Date & Venue of OMR Based Exam,
Counselling and Document Verification or change in any scheduled date only.
(x)      Mobile phones, calculators and other electronics gazettes etc. are strictly prohibited in examination hall. (xi)     Number of posts can be increased or decreased as per the requirement of NHM Haryana.
(xii)    NHM Haryana, reserves the right to cancel the whole recruitment process at any time at any stage without assigning any reason(s) to the Candidates.
(xiii)   Candidates are advised to visit NHM Haryana website i.e.  www.nhmharyana.gov.in regularly for latest updates regarding the selection for these posts, as no special communication will be sent for any update.
(xiv)   Qualification/Eligibility conditions, age and other documents will be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply online application also called as closing date i.e. 06/04/2022 given in the advertisement.
(xv)    In view of COVID-19 pandemic situation, all candidates shall require to follow the COVID-19 Guidelines; particularly for wearing of mask, maintaining social distance, and using of sanitizer etc. at the time of appearing for the OMR Based Exam & Counselling/Document Verification. Although NHM Haryana shall make necessary arrangements for sanitization of the Candidates. Even if, Candidates wish, they may carry transparent bottle of sanitizer upto 100ml at the venue of Written Exam & Counselling Session.

Sd/- Mission Director
NHM Haryana, Panchkula
