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Recruitment of various post in TRIPURA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION



Online  applications  are  invited   from  bonafide citizens of India  for  selection  of candidates  for recruitment   to   20(twenty)   permanent    vacancies   of   Principal,Group-A(Gazatted)    ,Government (General)  Degree   Colleges   under   the Education(Higher) Department,  Government of Tripura  in the scale  of Revised  Pay of Rs.l,44,200/--Rs. 2,18,2001-(Academiclevel  14 as per  UGC recommended  7th CPC pay Matrix (Revised) as mentioned below:



A. Eligibility:
(i)   Ph. D degree.
(ii) Professor/Associate   Professor   with   a   total   service/
of   at   least   fifteen   years    of
teaching/research   in Universities, Colleges and other  institutions of higher  education.
(iii) A minimum of 10research  publications in peer-reviewed  or UGC-listed journals.
(iv) A minimum of 110Research Score  as per  Appendix II, Table  2 of the UGC Regulations,20 18
B. Tenure
i) A College Principal shall be  appointed for a period   of five years,  extendable  for another  term  of five years  on the basis  of performance  assessment by a Committee appointed by the University, constituted as per  these.requlations.
ii) After  the  completion  of his/her    term   as  Principal, 'the  incumbent  shall  join  back   his/her   parent
organization in the substantive grade.
As amended by the UGC from time to time.

Age:-   Maximum 50 years  as on 20-0S-2022. Relaxable by 5(five) years  in case  of SC/ST/PH    candidates and  Government  servants.  However,  the  SC/ST/Govt. Servant will  not  get  the  further   relaxation of
5(five) years  over  and  above  relaxation of 5(five) years  which they  are  already   entitled  to get as SC/ST

The   last   date   of  submission    of  online    application    is   20.0S.2022  (up  to   S.30  PM).   The application  (s) received  after  the  closing   date  will  not be entertained.

*As per  clause-7.3 to 7.5 of the  Office Memorandum issued   by  the  SW & SE Department  vide  F. No.
85(133)- SW  (133)-   SW/DC/2017  (Vol.  III)/   934,   dated    09.01.2019  &  as   per    decision  of     the Administrative  Department   [i.e.   Education  (Higher)    Department]   Ol(one)  PH  candidates   (to  be selected)will be suitably placed   at any point  against  Roster Register. 
Selection Process:

A)  Total  marks    allotted   for  Selection  process:    100  marks    (85 % weightage .from  API score   as per Appendix II, Table  2 of the UGC Regulations,2018 & 15 marks   for interview).

B)  The   Selection   Process    will  comprise   of  02(two)   successive   stages    viz-  i)  Short   listing   of candidates    (for Interview/Personality   test)  at  ratio   1:3  ratio   (three   candidates   against    one vacancy)  on the  'basis   of  API score   as per  Appendix II, Table  2 of the  UGC Requlations.Bu18 (ii)   Interview/Personality   test.   It.is   also  mentioned   here   that   candidate(s)   scoring   marks equal  to that   of the  last  qualified candidate   shall  also  be called  for interview.

C) The final selection will be  made  in order  of merit  on the basis  of the  85  % marks  obtained by  a candidate  as per  Appendix  II, Table  2 of the  UGC Regulations,2018  and  by  adding  the  marks obtained   in the  Interview  process    (out  of  15). If a candidate  remains   absent   in the  interview process,   his/her   candidature  will not be  considered  for final merit  list.                            .

D)   In the  list  of recommendation,    merit   position   of candidates   securing    equal   marks   will be finalized  as  per  their   seniority  of age.  The  same   procedure   is  to  be  followed for  preparing waiting   List,  if there   be  any.

Other Important information:-

1. Online Application Portal:

(a) Candidates will have  to submit  application through  Online Application Portal only. The Commission will not entertain any hard  copy  application. Before submission of online  application, read  carefully the instruction to candidates.

(b)  Online  Application  Portal   will  be   available  on  Commission's  website    from       1710412022    to
20105/2022   (5.30  PM).   Before  applying   for  the  post,   an  applicant  shall  register    his/her   bio-  data particulars   through    One   Time   Profile   Registration   (OTPR)  on   the   Commission's   Website    viz. tpsc.tripura.gov.in.   Once  applicant  registers  his/her   particulars,  a User  ID is generated   and  sent  to his/her   registered  mobile  number   and  email  ID. Applicants need  to apply  for the post  using  the OTPR User ID through  the Commission's website.

(c)  Applicants  should   avoid   submitting  multiple   applications. However, if  due  to  any  unavoidable circumstances,   any   applicant   submits    multiple    applications   then   he/she    must   ensure   that   the application with latest  Receipt  Number  is complete in all respect.

(d)  In  case   of  multiple    applications,   the   application  with   latest   Receipt   Number    shall   only   be entertained  by the Commission and fee paid  against  one Receive  Number   shall not be  adjusted  against any other  Receipt  Number.

Z.     (a) Candidates  are   required    to submit  self attested   copy  of certificates in support   of their  claims regarding  Age, Educational Qualifications, Permanent Resident Certificate/Citizenship  Certificate, Scheduled  Castes/Scheduled   Tribes,   Experience  Certificates,  API score   (as  per   Annexure A  ) and others,  if mentioned in the application in the receipt   section  of the  TPSC.Submission of such documents will be  allowed  up to IO(ten) days  of closing  date  of receipt   of Online  application i.e. within  31.05.2022 along  with printed   copy  of Online  Application   falling which  candidature  will be  treated   as cancelled. The Commission will not entertain  any application thereafter. 
(b) Applicants must  be  in possession of the  prescribed  minimum qualification(s). Mere  issue  of admission certificate to the  candidate will  not imply  that his/her   candidature has  been   finally cleared by the Commission. On scrutiny of documents, if a candidate found  ineligible as per  terms  & condition of the Advertisement (including prescribed  Recruitment fee) his /her  candidature will be rejected.

3.  (a)  Group-A Posts:-  Rs.400/- (Rupees Four  Hundred)  only  for  General  Candidates  and  Rs. 350/­ (Rupees  three    Hundred   and   Fifty)   only   for   ST/SC/  BPL card    holders/Physically   Handicapped Candidates. Recruitment fee so deposited, is non-refundable.

(b)  SC/STCandidates of other  States are not recognized by the Govt. of Tripura.

(c)   If 'a   candidate   submits   incomplete   application  in  respect   of  terms    &   condition  of  the
Advertisement and without requisite recruitment fee, his/her  candidature will be rejected.

4.    SC/ST  Candidates   of  other   States   (not  recognized  by  the  Govt.  of Tripura) should   apply   for unreserved   vacancy   as   general   candidate   along   with   recruitment   fee   prescribed    for  general candidates.            '                                                                                                                      .
5. If the application is not routed   through proper   channel, at the day  of interview candidates will   have to  submit   'no  objection'  certificate  failing  which  his/   her   candidature will  not  be   considered  for preparation  of final merit  list.  In that  no-objection certificate, it is to be  clearly   mentioned that your employer  has  'No-objection'   if you  are  considered  for  recruitment  to the  post  for which  you  have applied for.

6.   Decision of the  Commission as  to the  eligibility or  otherwise  of a candidate  at  any  stage  of the selection process shall be final.

7.  Candidates  are  instructed  to visit  the  Commission's website  for  information regarding  steps   of recruitment process time to time.

8.  Mobile Phone/Electronic  Gadgets  etc.  are  banned  in  the  Campus  of the  Examination Premises
!Interview Premises.  Any  Phone/    Electronic  Gadget  found  in  possession  of  any  candidate  in  the Examination Premises /Interview Premises shall be  confiscated forthwith and he/she   may be  debarred from   appearing   at  the   Examination  /interview   and   also  for  the   Examination(s)/Interview to  be conducted by the Commission in future Violation of such instruction will be dealt  as per  Law.

9.  Entry in the Examination hall! Interview Premises with Jacket, Coat,  Pull over  & this type  of garments will not be allowed.

10. Candidates are instructed  to visit the Commission's  website  for information  regarding  steps  of recruitment  process time to time. 


The candidates,  who  are  intended  to  apply  for  the  above  noted  posts (categorically)   under  Acharya   Harihar   Post  Graduate   Institute   of  Cancer, Cuttack they  have to  apply  to  the  Director,  Acharya  Harihar  Post Graduate Institute  of Cancer, Cuttack  - 753007  by registered post /  speed post only. Applications received through ordinary Post/by person will stand cancelled.
1.  Complete  application  from  duly filled  in by the applicant  should  reach in Office of the undersigned on or before 22.04.2022(S.OOpm) Applications received  incomplete   in any manner  and after  due  date  are  liable to  be summarily  rejected.
2.  The  selection   of  the   candidate   will   be  made  as  per  the   prevailing guidelines and  ORV  Act   by  the   Staff  selection   committee,    AHPGIC, Cuttack.  The  decision  of  Staff  selection  committee   shall  be final.  The selection  of the  candidates  shall be purely  career  based/  mark  based as per the decision  of the  Governing  Body of AHPGIC, Cuttack  . No Written examination will  be conducted.    A weightage  shall  be calculated  basing on the  percentage  of marks secured in different   examination   as given in the advertisement.

I. In  case of  Equality  of  marks/  calculated   weightage,   the  person carrying  highest mark in Graduation/  Technical shall be selected .
. II.     In case all other  criteria  are same /  equal,   the  candidate  which  is older  in age shall be selected.

III. Candidates  which  will  be invited  for  computer   test  in  respect  of Junior Clerk shall undergo  mandatory  computer  test  which  will  be qualifying  in nature  and minimum  50% mark in computer  test  must be secured as qualifying  exam.

IV.     No. of candidates  which will  be invited  for computer  test will  be 15 times  of the  no. of vacancy in respective  post/  category  of Junior Clerk.

3.   Age limit  -  As per the  norm  prescribed  by the State Government   in. The cut-off date  to  qualify  for  Criteria  is 01.01.2022.  The  candidates   must have attained  the age of 21years and must not   be above age of 38 years on the date of such advertisement   for the post with  usual age relaxation for SC,ST,SEBCP, wD, Women,  Ex -  servicemen  & In -  service Contractual employees in  pursuance  to  Odisha  Civil  Service  (Fixation   Upper  age Limit)  Amendment    Rules,  2022  issued  vide  Government   in  GA  &  PG Department  Notification   No. 771/Gen dated 11.01.2022.

4.  One envelope  should contain  only one application  only. 
S. The candidate  must have passed middle  school examination  with  Odia as language subject or have passed matriculation   or equivalent  examination
with  Odia medium.
Examination  in non -  language subject, or have passed in Odia as language subject  or have passed in Odia as language subject  in the final examination   of  class VII from  school  or  educational   recognized  by the Government  of Odisha or the Central Government.
have  passed a test  in  Odia  in  Middle   English School  standard conducted  by the School and Mass Education Department.
6.  Applicant  should  clearly  mention  the  Name of the  post applied  for  and the Institution   on the top of the envelope  and application  form  also.
7.   Candidates  applying  for  different   categories  of  posts should  apply with
separate application  forms.
8. The  Director,   AHPGIC, Cuttack  reserves  the  right  to  reject  /  accept  / cancel  any  application   without       assigning  any  reasons  thereof   if  it  is found  incorrect  / false /   incomplete.
9.  The selection  is purely  merit  based as indicated  in the advertisement.   The weightage  shall only  be calculated  in respect of each applicant  if he/she meant the qualification   criteria  or else the application  shall be summarily

I. The candidates  are required  to  enclose self-attested   Xerox copy of all  relevant   Educational  certificates,   Mark  Sheets and  Registration Certificates  as mentioned  in the Eligibility  Criteria.
II. Two self-addressed  envelope  (size - 24 xl0cm)   with  postage stamp of Rs.42.00 (forty  two).

III.     Two Self attested  recent pass port size colour  photographs.

IV. Self attested  Xerox copy of Caste Certificate  & Residence Certificate from  Competent  Authority.

V.     Attested  Xerox Copy of Experience Certificate.

VI. The candidates  who  are presently  working  under any establishment must submit   "No   Objection   certificate"(NOC)    in  original   to   be
eligible for appointment.

Director, AHPGIC, Cuttack 
