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Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd., a Gold category State  PSU having annual turnover of Rs. 5587 Crores during FY 2020-21  intends to fill-up the following posts  on contractual basis for a period of 03  years.   The  engagement  shall  be   renewed  every   year   on  satisfactory  job  performance. However,  the  tenure of contractual  engagement may  be  extended beyond 03  years basing on the  requirement of the  Corporation. The  posts shall be  filled up through  through  Walk- in-Interview mode/process.


Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd., a Gold category and  largest State  PSU in Mining Sector  in the Country,  undertakes exploration, mining and trading of iron, chrome  & bauxite ores.  Inspired by the vision to emerge as the  market leader and  to play a catalytic role in the  growth  of industrialization, OMC caters to  the  requirements  of  mineral  based industries.  The  Corporation  has  achieved  an annual turnover of Rs. 5587  Crores during FY 2020-21.
OMC intends to fill-up the  following posts  on contractual basis for a  period of 03  years.  The engagement shall  be  renewed every  year  on satisfactory job performance. However,  the  tenure of contractual engagement may be extended beyond 03 years basing on the requirement of the corporation. The posts shall be filled up through  Walk-in-Interview mode/process.


Upper  age  limit in  case  of SC/ST/SEBC/  Women/  Sportsperson/Ex-servicemen/PwD shall be relaxed as per norms  of Govt. of Odisha. Similarly, upper age limit in case of  departmental  candidates having requisite qualification may be relaxed up to 10 years. The  departmental  candidates  shall  produce  service  continuity certificate  issued  by   the   concerned  Unit  Head   at   the   time  of  verification  of documents and  interview. 

4) How to apply
The  candidates  fulfilling  the  eligibility  criteria  for  respective  posts   are  advised  to download the  bio- data  format  from OMC Website https://omcltd.in which to be filled up by the  candidate in  English after  carefully reading the  eligibility criteria prescribed for each  post.
The applicant should affix recent colour passport size photograph at top right side of the  application form.
The  applicant  should  submit  self  attested copy  of certificates/documents  from  HSC onwards towards proof of qualification, marks,  age,  caste, experience  etc  along with the  application form at  the  time of interview. Valid caste  certificate/ SEBC certificate must   be  obtained  from  the  Competent  Authority  & be  produced on  the  date   of interview.
SEBC candidates shall submit the  SEBC certificate issued by the  Competent Authority on or after  25.09.2018.
•                OBC certificate in place of SEBC certificate shall not be accepted.
Applications  without  supporting  documents/incomplete/not  full-filling the  prescribed criteria in any respect shall be rejected.
5) Selection Methodology
Selection   will  be   made   on  the   basis   of  performance  in   the   Walk-In   interview considering the  vacancies, percentage of reservation as well as requirement.
Filling-up  of  vacancies  is  solely  at  the   discretion  of  the   Management  based  on suitability of candidates and  no claim will arise for engagement, if vacancies are  not filled up due to un- suitability/insufficient number of candidates.
The  candidature  of  the  applicant  would  be  provisional  and  subject to  subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials.
6) General Conditions
The    candidates    shall    produce   Identity    Proof    (Aadhar/    Voter    ID/    Driving License/Passport/PAN  Card)  at  the   time  of  document  verification  on  the   date   of Walk-in-Interview.
Candidates  are   advised  to  visit   Corporation  website  https://omcltd.in  at   regular intervals for any notification, news,  updates, results etc relating to recruitment.
The  decision  of OMC Management  shall  be  final  & binding  on  all candidates  on  all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the  application, selection of candidate,    cancellation   of    the    recruitment    process,   etc.    No enquiry/correspondence will  be entertained in this regard.
At  any  stage of recruitment  process, if it  is  found  that  the  candidate  has  furnished false  or  incorrect  information  then  the  candidature  / engagement of the  candidate shall liable to be cancelled.
•    Canvassing in any form will be viewed adversely & may lead to disqualification. 
•Finally selected candidates shall have  to produce the  required documents at the  time of joining at  respective places of posting which shall be  communicated through the engagement orders.
•   Candidates after  recruitment can be posted in any establishment of OMC.
•   The candidates against whom vigilance/criminal case  is pending shall not be eligible.
• The candidates (in case  of married) should not have  more  than  one spouse living.
•Any dispute arising in this connection will be subject to jurisdiction of appropriate Courts of Odisha.

Interested eligible candidates are  advised to download the  bio-data format  from OMC website https://omcltd.in and  submit  the  same  duly  filled in and  signed  together with  self attested supporting documents at the  time of Walk-in-Interview.

General Manager (P&A) Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd.
(A Gold Category State PSU)
OMC House, Bhubaneswar-751001 

