Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Direct Recruitment and Lateral
Entry for the posts of Assistant Professors in Andhra Pradesh Medical Education Services through online in the following specialties to work in Government Medical Colleges under the Directorate of Medical Education, A.P.

Senior Residency is mandatory for all Clinical, Pre and Para Clinical and Dentistry in
Medical Colleges as per the Gazette issued on 14.02.2022 ,Gazette of India, (Teachers eligibility Qualification in Medical Institutions Regulation 2022):
( For Super Speciality branches and Dental specialities in Dental Colleges Senior Residency is
not required as per NMC and DCI.)
All candidates should have completed one year as Senior Resident in concerned subject in a recognised / permitted Medical / Dental College after acquiring MD/MS/DNB/ MDS degree as on 04-08-2022. Senior residency must complete below the age of 45 years as per latest NMC guide lines. The Eligibility of DNB candidates to the post of Assistant Professors shall apply as per the latest guidelines issued by the N.M.C / M.C.I and G.O.Ms.No.67 HM&FW (A1) Dept dated
The DNB candidates who have completed the course in an Institute recognised by the
MCI / NMC, should complete one year senior residency in a Medical College. The DNB candidates from institutes not recognised by MCI/NMC needs to complete additional period of one year of Senior Residency in addition to one year senior residency after processing DNB.
PAY SCALE- Salary will be paid as per the rules in force till the completion of probation period. The 7th UGC Pay scales (G.o.Ms.No. 22, HM & FW (A1) Dept., Dated 01.03.2021) will be applicable after completion of the probation period.
Age: : As per Government Memo No.3543366/B1/2020 HM&FW(B1) Dept dated 16-06-2020 and G.O.Ms.104 GAD (Services-D) Dated 23-09-2021.
1. OC candidate should not have completed 42 years as on 04-08-2022 (should not have been born before 03-08-1980).
2. EWS/SC/ST/BC candidates should not have completed 47 years as on 04.08.2022
(should not have been born before 03-08-1975).
3. Physically Handicapped persons should not have completed 52 years as on - 04-08-
2022 (should not have been born before 03-08-1970)
4. Ex-service men should not have completed 50 years as on - 04-08-2022 (should not have born before 03-08-1972).
Rule of Reservations will apply as per A.P. State Govt. Rules in force.
The recruitment is subject to the out come of any O.As /W.Ps pending before court and likely to arise in the matter
Local Candidature : Candidates who belong to AP only need to apply. ( Local candidates who studied from 4th Class to 10th Class in the State of A.P. and candidates who migrated to any part of AP from the State of Telangana within a period of 3 years from 2nd June 2014. (As per G.O. No. 132 GAD Dt.13-6-2016 & G.O.Ms.No. 133 GAD 13.06.2016). The Residence Certificate / Nativity Certificate issued by MRO/Tahasildar should not be allowed for Local consideration without mentioning the G.O. No. 132 GAD Dt.13-6-2016 & G.O.Ms.No. 133
GAD 13.06.2016 for the candidate who studied in the state of Telangana before bifurcation.
The Residence Certificate will not be accepted if a Candidate has studied in any Educational Institutions up to SSC or equivalent Examination, such candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.
Application Procedure:
1. Application : Candidates who have studied from 4th Class to 10th Class in the existing A.P. State and the children of relocated employees as mentioned in GO should only apply online from the official website of Director of Medical Education, A.P. -
2. On line procedure.
➢ Candidates has to login to DME official website –
➢ He / She has to read the notification and fill all the columns by following the instructions given in the software. Instructions sheets are enclosed.
3. The candidate has to enter his / her details, and submit the application with
relevant data.
4. The candidates (both Direct and lateral entry) has to pay the application fee Rs.1500/- for OC and Rs.1000/- for BC,SC and ST candidates.

5. Availability of online application : from 06-08-2022 Last date of submission of application through on line on or before 20.08.2022 at 5.PM.
6. For in service candidates the candidates should take NOC from Director of
Health/Commissioner APVVP/DME concerned recruiting authority. And NOC should be submitted within the last date of submission of applications.
7. Improperly filled applications or inadequate documents are summarily rejected.
8. If any of the information provided by the applicant is found to be incorrect, at any time of his/her appointment will be cancelled without any prior notice.
9. The following documents must be uploaded while filling the application.
The applicants will not be permitted to submit the relevant documents after last
date of submission of application, and such applications will be rejected.
N O T E :- for documents PDF conversion ( page / pages) use document scanner /
cam scanner

10. Provisional Merit list : The provisional list of Eligible / Not eligible candidates will be the displayed in the DME Website along with merit scored by them.
11. The merit list of this notification is valid for one year for the purpose of filling of arising vacancies as per the requirement.
Selection Process:
The selection is as per G.O. Ms. No. 154 HM & FW (A2) Dept., Dt. 4.5.2002, Letter Dated 24-08-2010 of the Registrar, Dr. NTR UHS, Vijayawada, G.O. Ms. No. 109 HM & FW (A2) Dept., Dt. 23.6.2014, Govt., Memo No.4298/A1/2015 HM&FW (A2) Dept dated 22-04-2015, G.O.Ms.No.66 HM&FW(A1) Dept dated 16-06-2020, and G.O.Ms.No.67 HM&FW(A1) Dept dated 16.06.2020 and Govt Memo No. HMF01-MEDU0DME/67/2021-A1, Dated 29.04.2021, as follows :
1. Weightage Total Marks : 100
i. 75 Marks obtained in qualifying PG degree / Super Specialty Examination.
Regarding the Grades : (Marks will be considered as 75%) (As per Govt
Memo No. 4296/A1/2015, Dated 22.04.2015)
1) Grade – A Distinction 75% to 85% mean 80%
2) Grade – B+ Above Average 65% to 74% mean 70%
3) Grade – B Pass 50% to 64% mean 57
ii. Those who are not having PG marks memo, percentage of marks to be taken as 50% (50%x75=37.50)
iii. Weightage for No. of years since passing qualifying examination is up to 10 marks @ 1 mark per PG / Super-specialty completed year.
iv. Weightage for Contract service in Govt. Institutions up to 15 marks. Contract service can be calculated from the date of completion of Post Graduation only.
a) 2.5. marks per six months in Tribal Area. b) 2 marks per six months in Rural Area.
c) 1 mark per six months in Urban Area
v. Weightage will be awarded up to 15% for the candidates who rendered their services on contract basis for COVID -19 duties. They should submit the Service Certificate issued by the competent authority and signed by the Superintendent of Teaching Hospital/ DM & HO / DCHS should be enclosed. This weightage will be awarded as per G.O.Rt. No. 211, HM & FW (B2) Dept., Dated 08.05.2021 and G.O.Rt.No.7 HM&FW(B2) Department Dt.06.01.2022.
vi. 5 (five) marks of weightage will be provided to the candidates in the recruitment of Assistant Professors, who have completed PG/Super Specialty from Central Institutions. However, total weightage is maximum of 15 marks only.
vii No Interview marks. viii. In-service candidate:
a. Candidate who is already in service and desires to apply in Direct Recruitment shall have to obtain NOC from concerned Director/Commissioner/DME and enclose the same.
b. Such candidates, if already claimed benefit of weightage in the earlier recruitment will not be getting the benefit for second time.
c. Such candidates, if selected, will have to submit accepted resignation letter from the concerned Director/Commissioner/DME and then only will be permitted to join as Assistant Professor.
d. Candidates applying for lateral entry and Direct Recruitment will have to apply separately.
2. The decision of the selection committee as per G.O. Ms. No. 109, HM & FW (A2) Dept., Dt. 23.6.2014, Govt., Memo No.4298/A1/2015 HM&FW (A2) Dept dated 22-04-2015 and G.O. Ms. No. 154, HM & FW (A1) Dept., Dt. 4.5.2002 in all aspects and all respects pertaining to application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, the selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned.
3. The selection committee also reserves its rights to alter or modify regarding conditions laid down in the notification for final selection and also posts notified.
Sd/- Dr. M. Raghavendra Rao, Director of Medical Education.