Recruitment of various post in LIMITED RECRUITMENT OF NOTIFICATION

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 Government   of Andhra  Pradesh :: AP Vaidya Vidhana  Parishad


Recruitment  on Contract & Out-sourcing basis to work in APVVP Hospitals of VIZIANAGARAM District under the control of DCHS,Vizianagaram


Applications   are  invited  through   off-line  mode  (Physical  applications   from  eligible candidates    for  various   posts   to  work  purely   on  contract   & Out-sourcing   basis   in APVVP Hospitals  of Vizian agar am District, details  are as follows.

The candidate  is required  to download  the application  forms from website (https:!             and  the  copy  of application   form  along  with necessary   documents   shall  submit  in-person/by    Registered   post  from  10.00  AM of

29.03.2022   to      05.00  PM of  04.04.2022   Which is  the  last  date  for  submission  of applications   in-person/registered      post).  This  office  is  not  responsible    for  postal delay  if any  and  applications   received   after  05.00  PM of 04.04.2022     will  not  be accepted  in any circumstances.

The  filled-in  applications   along  with  necessary   documents   shall  be  submitted    at office oftbe   District   Coordinator    of HospitaJ  Sel"vices(DCHS,),  District   Hospital, Vizianagaram.

Selection   to  the  posts  will  be  on  the  basis   of final  general   merit   cum  rule   of reservation.           The          applicant           is          required           to          visit          the (bttps:  I!viziana&aram.ap.&        District   official  website    regularly      to   keep himself/   herself  updated  until  completion  of the  recruitment   process.  The website information  is final for all correspondence.

All desirous  and eligible candidates  shall apply after satisfying  themselves  as per the terms   and  conditions   of this  recruitment    notification.   Submission   of  application forms by the  candidate  is considered  that he/she  has read  the notification  and shall abide by the terms  and conditions  laid down there  under.

 If candidate  is eligible for more  than  one post he/she   is required  to apply for each post separately.                                                                                                       .

The details  of vacancies  are as follows;

PARA;7;;lmportant note on Recruitment process and procedure  of selection;

The  recruitment   will  be  processed   as  per  this  notification  and   as  per  the  rules  and instructions   issued  by the  Government  and  also  as decided  by the  District  Selection Committee, Vizianagaram  from time to time in terms  of respective  Special Rules/ Adhoc Rules governing  the recruitment   and the related  G.Os,rules etc., are applicable.
The various  conditions  and criteria  prescribed  herein  are governed  by the AP State and Subordinate  Rules 1996 read with the relevant  special rules applicable  to any particular services  in the departments.   Any guidelines or clarifications  are based on the said rules, and  in case of any necessity  any matter  will be processed  as per the  relevant  General and Special Rules as in force.
PARA:8::Tenure of appointment  and  important  conditions:

The tenure   of the contract/outsourcing   initially  one year  from the date  of joining  in the post  and  may  be  extended   for  further   period   as  per  the  instructions  issued  by  the Government from time to time.
The  District   Selection   Committee;  Vizianagaram  reserves   all the  rights  to terminate the  contract/    outsourcing  services   of any  candidate/candidates    at any  time  without giving  any prior  notice  as per  directions  of the Government from time  to time. 
PARA:9::  Debarment:
Candidates   should  make  sure  of their  eligibility  to the  post  applied  for and  that  the declaration    made  by them  in the  format  of application   regarding   their  eligibility  is correct   in  all  aspects.   Any  candidate   furnishing   in-correct    information    or  making false  declaration   his/her    eligibility  at any  stage  or  suppressing    any  information,    is liable  to  be  debarred    up  to  5  years   from   applying   for  any  of  the   notifications conducted    by  APPSC/District   Selection   Committee/any     other   recruiting    agencies and their  candidature   for this recruitment   summarily  rejected.
The    District    Selection    Committee,    Vizianagaram     is   vested    with    conducting recruitment     and   selection    as  per   rules   duly   maintaining    utmost    secrecy    and confidentiality   in this  process  and any attempt   by anyone  causing  or likely to  cause breach  of this  duty in such manner  or by such action  as to violate  or likely to violate the fair practices  followed  and ensured  by DSC,Vizianagaram  will be sufficient  cause for rendering    such   questionable     means   as   ground    for   debarment     and   other consequences   as per law and rules.

PARA:10::  District  Selection   Committee   decision   to be final:

10.1. The decision of the District Selection Committee in all aspects  and respects  pertaining  to the  application   and  its  acceptance   or  rejection   as  the   case  may  be,  conduct   of recruitment  of and at all consequent  stages culminating in the selection  or other wise of any candidate  shall be final in    all respects  and binding  on all concerned,  under  the powers vested with it as per rules in force. District Selection Committee also reserves  its rights  to alter  and  modify the  terms  and  conditions  laid down  in the  notification  for conducting the various stages upto selection or withdraw  the notification at any time as warranted  by any unforeseen  circumstances  arising during the course of this process, or as deemed necessary by the District Selection Committee at any stage.

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